Freelance Data Engineer




Data Engineer




Discuss with client

Project Description

A freelance Data Engineer is needed to support an E-commerce client based in Berlin or working remotely. The project involves migrating multiple brands' data pipelines to a unified platform and training engineers on utilizing the pipelines post-migration. The ideal candidate should have expertise in managing and enhancing data pipelines, collaborating with Data Engineers on data sources, coordinating with Central teams on platform requirements, ensuring data quality and governance, as well as training internal staff for post-project pipeline maintenance. Key skills required include experience with data orchestration tools like Airflow and Python, knowledge of big data NoSQL databases such as S3 and Databricks, familiarity with data file formats like Delta and Iceberg, proficiency in AWS or other cloud platforms, proficiency in shell scripting and configuration like YAML, understanding of Software Development and Agile practices, and familiarity with Git, PR reviews, CI systems, and Continuous Delivery.


AirflowPythonS3DatabricksDeltaIcebergAWSShell scriptingAgile practicesGit
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